Copy a file to disk

Osman Bayrak

How do I COPY a file from the machine memory to a floppy disk in the standard control panel?

Click the FDD button. You will be highlighting "1) FFD SAVE" command.

Press the SET button. Find the desired design by using the UP or DOWN buttons on the LCD menu indication screen. When the design is highlighted press the SET button.

You will be given the option of choosing "1.SWF or 2.TAJIMA". For this example press the DOWN button to access the "2.TAJIMA" command.

Press the SET button. After the design has completed being copied to the floppy disk, press the PREVIOUS button.

NOTE: If a copy of the design is currently located on the disk, you will be prompted "Over write Design? OK=>SET, NO=>PREV". To that question you will have to decide in which way to proceed.